Tuesday, February 7, 2012

BP#9 write reflection on HeLa

1.       I don’t know. But I think I can require compensation through the law. I think that people have rights to control their things. In addition, the law was created for protecting people right. It is possible that I should be retroactively compensated. However, I couldn’t understand that JOHN MOORE didn’t get retroactively compensation. That just explains that the law is incomplete. I think use other person’s things to do the examination that needs to get agreement of the person.

2.       I think that contributing to science and research for the greater good of humanity is more important than my right to control my own tissue. If my own tissue is useful for science, I will be happy to contribute it, however, it must be allowed from me. I am afraid that tissue removes from body of people to do the examination without people allow that will take a bad effect in the society. For example, there is some illegal people will hurt some people whose tissue is useful for science. That is bad for some people use tissue of people without they know. I think that the law needs to ban these behaviors, and protect people’s right.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

BP#8--Going Green again

     1. I can change three thing to going green in my life such as turn off  electronics when I go to sleep, stop using disposable bags, and use cloth napkins daily instead of paper.
     2. I think that my country people  think about going green as much as American do. There are many people try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. They used to walk and use public transportation when they go out. In addition, the stores stop supporting disposable bags to customers, and people usually prepare bags when they go shopping.
     3. I never realized that it need to insulate hot water heater. And I don't notice that it can improve the efficiency of heater; in addition, it can go along way toward saving energy and cutting down on carbon emissions. For example, consider wrapping water heater in a layer of insulation, for the nominal cost of about $15. Then an insulating jacket can reduce heat lost through the walls of the tank by 25-40%. That is a good way to save money and protect our environment.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BP#6 Mini Essay on HeLa and Informed Consent

The stories of people used as research subjects, something without their knowledge, sometimes with ill-informed consent, sometimes because of their inability to understand or resist. That is amazing for me. I am never aware of this history before reading the book.  As all know, people have right to know what happen with themselves.
As I know, in my home country the informed consent and research practice that is different from these stories. Doing whatever things on people, it needs to get agreement of people or people’s guardian. For example, patients sick, the doctors have to explain details what about their sick. Then the doctors make a cure plan go by them.  If the doctors of my home country do any things on people without their knowledge, the doctors will be illegal. In addition, the doctors will be deposition from hospital, and risk to be measured out harsh justice.

As time passes by, the law on informed consent is constantly improvements. Today doctors and researchers are more professional than they do before. They do things that need to be based on laws, their basic view of people is improved that they care patients sick more carefully than before. Between doctors and patients are establishing good trust now.

BP#7 Financial Responsibility

According to the article, “Bonus Reading Financial Responsibility for All: A Myth of Reality?” by LUBIE GRUJICIC-ALATRISTE, we can see that there are a lot of reasons cause people financial problem. First, people just understand small part information about taking credit. Second, that is ease to get a card. Third, the companies of banks, whose introduction are misinformation. But the most important reason is people who are main factor caused it. However, else factor can reduce it happen, such as the government can do some ways to defense and manage financial problem.    
             I am agreement that financial responsibility for all. And I think the main factors are people knowledge about credit and their individual behavior. For example, there are some people like to spend over their own that cause they get debt.  And also some people often forget to return it on time that makes their credit bad. Therefore, we need to understand the information clearly and pay attention on it to respond before due date.   
            Compare to my own country, the problem is the same. But the government controls it very firm. In my opinion, we need to do it better, because it will cause the country economy is shocked. Although people individual, it will make a more and more big debt on themselves.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

BP#5- soda taxes

     There are different voices in a soda tax. Some people argue that it's necessary measure for the sake of public health, pointing to the "externalities" of soda consumption as a justification for the apparent strangeness of a tax on a specific food item. The other argue that its conception is of nutrition on Americans and thereby limit freedom of choice, and that soda taxes are regressive, hurting poor people more than they hurt the rich. I state that soda taxes are necessary for American people.
      First of all, drinking soda that cause 2600 death, 9,500 heart attacks, and 240,000 new cases of diabetes every year. It is a big proportion in the death reaason. Adding soda taxes is a clear method to advising people to reduce drinking soda. Then it will avert people death in some sick. In addition, adding soda taxes is not only to help people save money to reduce drinking soda, but also it will improve people diet to get health. Finally, through add taxes on soda that is big income for fiscal income, and use this income to spend on people health care that is a great help.
      In a word, adding soda taxes is not regressive, it will help people more healthy than before.

Friday, January 13, 2012

BP #4 - Going Green

when I shop for food, I am concerned about food sustainability sometimes. In my opinion, "Going green" is good for our earth and ourselves. It can reduce the earth pollution, and keep us healthily. Therefore, I used to try to reduce my carbon footprint when buying food or other products. In my neighborhood, there are a litter store sale locally grown foods; meanwhile, it is a problem for me that to have access to get organic foods. By the way, I try to do a vegetarian on the weekends to reduce my carbon footprint. In addition, I used to take public transportation that is a good way to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BP #3 - Mini Research on HeLa themes

            During the1940s and 1950s, many of the southern states of America were segregated. The reason that is "Jim Crow" laws permit segregation and racial discrimination. " Example of 'Jim Crow' laws"  adopt from "The Thoughtful Reader"by Mary C. Fjeldstad that defines " From the 1880s into the 1960s, a majority of American states enforced segregation through "Jim Crow" laws. From Delaware to California, and from North Dakata to Teaxs, many states could impose legal punishments on people for associating with members of another race. The most common types of laws to forbade intermarriage and ordered business owners and public institutions to keep their black and white clientele separated." Such as blacks and whites have different restaurants, restrooms, hospitals, public transportation, and even drinking fountains.
            In the HeLa' story, Henrietta sent her daughter Elsie to the Grownsville State Hospital. The hospital was known as the hospital of blacks. In the period, segregation  provided obvious. for instance, the passenger stations had separate waiting room or space and separate ticket windows for the different race in the Alabama State. (The thoughtful reader by Mary C. Fjeldstad) In addition, the blacks used to sit  in the back of the bus, but the whites often sit in the front of bus. I had read a article about one white women sit wrong , nobody advice her to change seat. however, a black men sit wrong, someone gave a serious warning to him to sit in the back of the bus. Even though the Jim Crow said that all segregated places were " separate but equal," the segregation is no equal in fact.           

Friday, January 6, 2012

BP #2 - taking advantage

1. In my neighbourhood, there was a new stroe called beauty shop that to be opened. It sold a wide variety of make-up cosmetics from Japan and Korea. I liked them very much. The make-up cosmetics were useful for our skin. Because I wanted to get parttime job when I didn't have classes, I asked the boss of the store about job. As i didn't have rich experiences, there was not a job for me. Then I negotiated with the boss on doing a volunteer in her shop. She agreed with me.then I worked five hours one day in her shop. After one week passed, I got a parttime job on weekends. I thought that the boss took advantage of me about one week,but eventually I got a job, and I can learned many knowledges about make-up cosmetics. It was a happy event for me.

2.In my opinion, I feel that Henrietta Lacks's family is pound of HeLa. There are many peole took advantage of Henrietta Lacks's cell to save lives. Although they didn't get a dime from them who used Hela's cell, it still an honorary event for HeLa's family. Her cells is still helping other people to be saved, and her name take note in histroy forever.That is a meantingful event without compensation.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BP #1-Introduction

       I am Lili, and I come from china.I have been in New York about a year and a half.my major is nursing,but I want to charge my major.Now I am not sure which one I will transfer to.
       I am interested in travel. New york is a good place for travel.There are many things that are new and surprised for me,so I have a plan that have a travel around it.  But there is a problem with me, my english is so poor.
So i need to study hard.
       New York! Waiting me!