Friday, January 6, 2012

BP #2 - taking advantage

1. In my neighbourhood, there was a new stroe called beauty shop that to be opened. It sold a wide variety of make-up cosmetics from Japan and Korea. I liked them very much. The make-up cosmetics were useful for our skin. Because I wanted to get parttime job when I didn't have classes, I asked the boss of the store about job. As i didn't have rich experiences, there was not a job for me. Then I negotiated with the boss on doing a volunteer in her shop. She agreed with me.then I worked five hours one day in her shop. After one week passed, I got a parttime job on weekends. I thought that the boss took advantage of me about one week,but eventually I got a job, and I can learned many knowledges about make-up cosmetics. It was a happy event for me.

2.In my opinion, I feel that Henrietta Lacks's family is pound of HeLa. There are many peole took advantage of Henrietta Lacks's cell to save lives. Although they didn't get a dime from them who used Hela's cell, it still an honorary event for HeLa's family. Her cells is still helping other people to be saved, and her name take note in histroy forever.That is a meantingful event without compensation.


  1. The post is clearly. From the post, I read a zealous girl. I don't have the courage. What was you feeling when you are a volunteer at the store?

  2. It is a great writing. It's an unforgettable experience by taking this job. The explanation is clear and I can roughly know about your feelings. If I were you, I could not do the same thing as you did. I think that you are so nice and you have a good spirit. Did the boss treat you good when you are working?
